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Albergue Miliario del Verdinal is closed for building work.

Aldea del Cano

Municipal (9, 6€) Miliario del Verdinal, ask in Restaurante Las Vegas for the key, it's right next door. Kitchen, laundry facilities. 9 beds, 4 mattresses. Beautiful albergue. Tel 927 383 004 November 2024, due to reopen soon after renovation. Check updates.

Casa Rural Via De La Plata has singles from about 40€, doubles 55€. Breakfast. Website www.crviadelaplata.com Tel 666 431 420

Restaurante Las Vegas does a good menú del día and opens at 08:00. The Hogar de Mayores café next to the albergue has vino de la tierra, local un-aged wine, and tapas. There are several small shops, two on the street directly across the main road from the albergue, of which UDACO has a good selection, and another on Calle Nueva. Pharmacy on the square in front of the church.

Accommodation on Booking.com

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About the Vía de la Plata Guide

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- zoomable maps which show you your exact location

- more background and historic information about the places you'll walk through


Camino de Santiago - Camino Francés


Camino de Santiago - Camino Francés

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The full Walking Guide to the Vía de la Plata has the following:

  • Urban maps of towns and cities and detailed maps of the Vía de la Plata in rural areas
  • Lots of information about historic sites along the Vía de la Plata's route

If you'd like to see what it looks like you can download a samples from here the first 20 pages of the Walking Guide to the Vía de la Plata

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You can get the full guide as a PDF document to download by making a donation to this website. Your donation will help ensure that this guide to the Camino de Santiago continues to be updated every year and continues to be made freely available to pilgrims.

For your donation you'll also get a PDF copy of our the definitive guide to preparing for the Camino. It's got loads of information about:

  • Packing: what to bring and (all importantly) what not to bring
  • Health and safety: how to avoid, or if necessary, deal with blisters, bedbugs, heatstroke and other hazards
  • What to expect on “the Way”: What's a typical Camino day?
  • Communicating: with useful words and phrases in Spanish?
  • History of the Camino and of Spain: what was the Camino like in the middle ages?

To download a sample of the first 20 pages of Camino de Santiago Practical Preparation and Background, just click here!

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Copyright © Gerald Kelly 2024. All text and photos.